
喬世光(b.1937) 劉巨德(b.1946)等《中國民間故事選――風物傳說專輯》插圖原稿八十一幀

圖錄號: 1426

估價RMB: 100,000-200,000

成交價RMB: 115,000(含傭金)

喬世光(b.1937) 劉巨德(b.1946)等《中國民間故事選——風物傳說專輯》插圖原稿八十一幀
紙本 水墨線描
說明:1. 本拍品附出版一份。
2. 本拍品共八十一幀,其中包含:劉巨德(六幀)、潮里(六幀)、李恒辰(三幀)、姚發奎(三幀)、陳兆祥(三幀)、喬世光(三幀)、劉紹薈(三幀)、金渭昌(三幀)、張宏賓(三幀)、婁家本(三幀)、周令釗(二幀)、何山(二幀)、李玉璞(二幀)、張世民(二幀)、周小筠(二幀)、張為(二幀)、勤卓(二幀)、黃煒(二幀)、葛春學(二幀)、劉巨興(二幀)、何寶森(二幀)、胡基明(二幀)、田原(二幀)、孫能子(二幀)、郭占魁(二幀)、龐希泉(一幀)、古干(一幀)、倪天煦(一幀)、寧春城(一幀)、邵瑞剛(一幀)、蔣采蘋(一幀)、秦龍(一幀)、王鐵成(一幀)、陳若菊與周令釗合作(一幀)、盧德輝(一幀)、孫以增(一幀)、李曉軍(一幀)、邱堅(一幀)、李存偉(一幀)、陳永鎮(一幀)。
3. 本拍品集合了數十位畫家在巔峰時期的創作,每一幀插圖都堪稱精美。
Line drawing by ink on paper (eighty-one pieces)
Dated 1983
Selected Chinese Folklores: Legends, China Juvenile and Children’s Publishing House
Note: Attached is the book.
喬世光 1937年出生于河北館陶。(曾用名喬十光)著名漆畫藝術家。1961年畢業于中央工藝美術學院壁畫專業,1964年結業留校任教,現為中央工藝美院教授(現為清華大學美術學院)。
Born in Guantao, Hebei in 1937, Qiao Shiguang is a famous lacquer painting artist. He graduated from the Department of Fresco of Central Academy of Art and Design in 1964 and stayed as a teacher in 1964. He is now a professor of Central Academy of Art and Design.
李恒辰 1940年生于遼寧大連。曾任中國少年兒童出版社美術編輯室主任、中國美術家協會會員、中國美術家協會插圖裝幀藝術委員會委員、中國出版工作者協會裝幀藝術研究會理事。為我國著名連環畫畫家。
Li Hengchen, born in Dalian, Liaoning in 1940, is the director of Art Editorial Office of China Juvenile and Children’s Publishing House, member of China Artists Association and Illustration Art Committee of China Artists Association as well as standing director of Binding Art Research Center of the Publishers Association of China.
劉巨德 1946年出生于內蒙古烏蘭察布盟。歷任清華大學美術學院副院長,清華大學美術學院繪畫系教授、清華大學吳冠中藝術研究中心主任,中國美術家協會理事,北京市美術家協會理事,享受國務院政府特殊津貼。代表作有《魚》 《圖形想象》。
Liu Jude was born in Ulanqab League, Inner Mongolia in 1946. He was the assistant dean and professor of the Department of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University, director of Wu Guanzhong Art Research Center of Tsinghua University, and director of China Artists Association and Beijing Artists Association. Liu Jude enjoys special allowance from the State Council. Masterpieces include Fish and Image of Graphs.
邵瑞剛 1943年出生于浙江溫州。1968年畢業于北京電影學院美術系。北京電影制片廠一級美術師,多次獲得金雞、百花電影節最佳美術獎。中國畫《馬踏青苗》入選第八屆全國美展。
Shao Ruigang was born in Wenzhou, Zhejiang in 1943. He graduated from the Department of Fine Arts of Beijing Film Academy in 1968. Shao is the first-class artist of Beijing Film Studio. He is the winner of Best Art Direction at China Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival. His Chinese painting Horse Wondering in the Field of Young Crops was selected by the 8th National Art Exhibition.
周令釗 1919年出生于湖南平江。1935年畢業于武昌藝專師范科。1948年應徐悲鴻先生聘請任教北平國立藝專。曾任中央美術學院副教授、教授,中央美術學院壁畫系民族畫室主任、中國郵票局藝術設計顧問、中國美術家協會理事、中國美術家協會水粉畫協會會長、中國壁畫學會顧問等。享有國務院特殊津貼。
Zhou Lingzhao was born in Pingjiang, Hunan in 1919. He graduated from the Department of Education of Wuchang Academy of Arts in 1935. Invited by Xu Beihong, Zhou served as a teacher at National Academy of Art in Beiping. He was an associate professor and professor of Central Academy of Fine Arts, director of Nationality Painting Studio of the Department of Fresco in Central Academy of Fine Arts, art consultant of China Stamp Bureau, director of China Artists Association, etc. Zhou enjoys special allowance from the State Council.
劉紹薈 1940年出生于湖南長沙。1965年畢業于中央工藝美術學院裝飾繪畫系。歷任中國美術家協會會員,廣西美術家協會第六屆理事會常務理事,桂林市美術家協會主席,桂林師范高等專科學校美術系教授,桂林市教育學院美術系教授,桂林中國畫院副院長,桂林市美術家協會主席。出版有《劉紹薈畫集》。
Liu Shaohui was born in Changsha, Hunan in 1940. She graduated from the Department of Decorative Painting of Central Academy of Art and Design in 1965. Liu is a member of China Artists Association, standing director of the 6th council of Guangxi Artists Association, chairman of Guilin Artists Association, professor of the Department of Fine Arts of Guilin Institute of Education, etc. Liu has his book Painting Collection of Liu Shaohui published.
葛春學 1938年出生于山東濰坊。1964年畢業于中國工藝藝術學院。曾任上海美術電影制片廠設計,上海大學美術學院教授,中國漆畫研究會理事。代表作有《侗家女》 《樹蔭下的少女》 《太陽女》等。
Ge Chunxun was born in Weifang, Shandong in 1938. He graduated from China Crafts and Fine Arts College in 1964. Ge used to work as a designer of Shanghai Animation Film Studio, professor of the Department of Fine Arts of Shanghai University and director of China Lacquered Painting Academy. Masterpieces include A Dong Girl, Girl in the Shade of a Tree, Girl of the Sun, etc.
何 山 1941年出生于湖南湘陰。1964年畢業于中央工藝美術學院壁畫專業。曾在甘肅敦煌文物研究所、中國美術家協會甘肅分會從事壁畫研究和創作。歷任湖南美術出版社《畫家》編輯部負責人、編輯。代表作有《黃河之水天上來》 《楚魂》等。
He Shan was born in Xiangyin, Hunan in 1941. He graduated from the Department of Fresco of Central Academy of Art and Design in 1964. He used to study frescoes at Dunhuang Institute of Cultural Relics in Gansu and China Artists Association, Gansu Branch. He was the head and editor of editorial board of Painter Magazine of Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House. Masterpieces are The Yellow River Comes from the Sky, Soul of the Chu State, etc.
龐希泉 1941年出生于山東濰坊。1966年畢業于中央美院。歷任北京報社美術編輯,中國美術家協會會員,北京日報社主任編輯。代表作有《貓》 《晴雨》 《福到了》。
Pang Xiquan was born in Shandong in 1941 and graduated from China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1966. He once assumed as an art editor of Beijing Newspaper agency and member of China Artist Association. His representative works include Cat, Rain or Shine and Happiness is Coming.
張宏賓 1960年畢業于中央美術學院附中,1965年畢業于中央工藝美術學院壁畫專業。歷任山東師范大學藝術系任教授、系主任,美國舊金山州立大學任教授。代表作有《孔雀公主》 《濟南名士多》 《自然之歌》。
Zhang Hongbin, graduated from the Affiliated High School of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1960 and the Department of Fresco of Central Academy of Art and Design in 1965, has served as a professor and dean of the Department of Fine Arts of Shandong Normal University and professor of San Francisco State University. Masterpieces are Princess Peacock, Scholars from Jinan and Song of the Nature.
郭占魁 1938年出生于山西。1961年畢業于天津河北師范學院美術系。歷任天津人民出版社、新蕾出版社美編室主任、副總編、社長,編審。代表作有插圖《瓊琳仙洞》、版畫《旭日》、中國畫《東臨碣石》。
Guo Zhankui was born in Shanxi in 1938. He graduated from the Department of Fine Arts of Hebei Normal University in Tianjin. Guo was the director of art editorial office, associate editor-in-chief, president and senior editor of Tianjin People’s Publishing House and Newbuds Publishing House. Masterpieces are illustration Fairy Cave, woodcut The Rising Sun and Chinese painting Sea Watching.
姚發奎(別名姚奎) 1936年出生于山西垣黃。1962年畢業于中央工藝美術學院裝飾繪畫系壁畫專業。歷任人民美術出版社創作室主任、總編輯助理。代表作有陶瓷鑲嵌壁畫《桂林山水歌》、中國畫《小鳥天》等。出版有《姚奎畫集》。
Yao Fakui (also known as Yao Kui) was born in Yuanhuang, Shanxi in 1936. He graduated from the Department of Fresco of Central Academy of Art and Design in 1962. Yao used to work as a studio director and assistant of editor-in-chief of People’s Fine Arts Publishing House. Masterpieces include the fresco Song of Guilin Landscape, Chinese painting Xiao Niao Tian, etc. He also has the book Painting Collection of Yao Kui published.
何寶森 1938年出生于云南昆明。1962年畢業于中央工藝美術學院。曾任中國工藝雕塑專業委員會會長。中央工藝美術學院教授。代表作有壁畫《彌勒百字圖》《彩陶藝術》。1999年榮獲香港(海外)文學藝術家協會世界杰出人士雕塑大師金龍獎。
He Baosen was born in Kunming, Yunnan in 1938. He graduated from Central Academy of Art and Design in 1962. He was the president of China Crafts and Sculpture Committee. Working as a professor of Central Academy of Art and Design, He’s masterpieces include Maitreya and Pottery Art.
胡基明 1946年出生于上海。1968 年畢業于中央工藝美術學院書籍裝幀專業。歷任中國少年兒童出版社、中國和平出版社美術編輯。代表作有《蕩秋千》、《小熊特迪》等,《好心的小姑娘》獲1987年全國兒童美術邀請賽優秀獎。
Hu Jiming was born in Shanghai in 1946. He graduated from the Department of Book Binding of Central Academy of Art and Design in 1968. He served as an art editor of China Juvenile and Children’s Publishing House and China Peace Publishing House. Masterpieces include Swinging, Teddy Bear and A Kind Girl, etc.
陳兆祥 1933年出生于湖南長沙。1953年畢業于中央美術學院實用美術系。歷任中國青年藝術劇院舞臺美術設計,中國少年兒童出版社美術編輯,中國連環畫出版社副總編輯,中央美術學院副院長。代表作有書幀設計《鄭師傅的遭遇》 《李自成》等。
Chen Zhaoxiang was born in Changsha, Hunan in 1933. He graduated from the Department of Applied Art of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1953. Chen served as a stage art designer of China Youth Art Institute, art editor of China Juvenile and Children’s Publishing House, associate editor-in-chief of Sinocomic Publishing House, assistant dean of Central Academy of Fine Arts. Masterpieces are Mr. Zheng’s Encounter, Li Zicheng, etc.
盧德輝 1937年出生于黑龍江安寧。1961年畢業于中央工藝美術學院。天津工藝美術設計院教師。代表作有壁畫《六盤山》(合作)、《文成公主進藏圖》,設計有第六屆全國運動會紀念郵票四枚等。
Lu Dehui was born in Anning, Heilongjiang in 1937. He graduated from Central Academy of Art and Design in 1961 and now serves as a teacher in Tianjin Arts and Crafts College. Masterpieces are Liupan Mountain and Princess Wencheng Enters Tibet. Lu is also a designer of four commemorative stamps of the 6th National Games.
蔣采蘋 1934年生于河南開封。1958年畢業于中央美術學院。歷任中央美術學院中國畫系副教授、工筆畫室主任,中國美術家協會會員,中國當代工筆畫學會副會長,北京工筆重彩畫會副會長。代表作《摘火把果的姑娘》、《憩》均藏于中國美術館。
Jiang Caipin was born in Kaifeng, Henan in 1934. She graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1958. Jiang is an associated professor of the Department of Chinese Painting and head of Chinese Realistic Painting Studio of Central Academy of Fine Arts. She was a member of China Artists Association, vice president of Modern Chinese Realistic Painting Academy and Beijing Enriched Color Realistic Painting Acamedy. Masterpieces such as A Fruit-Picking Girl and Rest are collected by National Art Museum of China.
陳永鎮 1936年出生于浙江溫州。1954年畢業于中央美術學院華東分院。歷任安徽少年兒童出版社總編輯、編審,中國美術家協會理事,美協兒童美術藝術委員會委員,美協安徽分會副主席。出版有《陳永鎮兒童畫選》,作品有《小馬過河》、《動腦筋爺爺》等。
Chen Yongzhen was born in Wenzhou of Zhejiang in 1936 and graduated from East China College of Central Academy of Art in 1954. He served as the general editor of Anhui Juvenile and Children’s Publishing House, director of China Artists Association and member of the Children’s Art Committee of China Artists Association and vice president of Anhui Artists Association. He has published the book Selected Children’s Drawings by Chen Yongzhen and created works like The Pony Crosses the River, Brain Storming Grandpa, etc.
田 原 1925年出生于上海。曾任中國美術家協會、中國書法家協會、中國版畫家協會、中國漫畫家協會會員,中國工藝美術協會理事,東南大學、深圳大學教授,國家一級美術師。享受政府特殊津貼。代表作有《狼外婆》 《魯班的傳說》 《好乖乖》等。
Tian Yuan was born in Shanghai in 1925. He was a member of China Artists Association, China Calligraphers Association, China Printmaking Association and China Cartoonists Association. Tian is a director of China Arts and Crafts Association, professor of Southeast University and Shenzhen University. He is also a National First-Class Artist, enjoying special government allowance. His representative works include Grandma Wolf, Legend of Lu Ban, Nice Kid, etc.
孫以增 1941年出生于安徽壽縣。1966年畢業于中央工藝美術學院裝飾美術系。曾任北京日報美術組組長、攝影美術部副主任、美術部主任,人民日報社《諷刺與幽默》報編委,中國新聞漫畫研究會會長,中國美術家協會漫畫藝術委員會委員,首都美術記者協會名譽會長。代表作有《尋找位置的小星星》 《祝福新編》等。
Sun Yizeng was born in 1941. Sun graduated from the Central Academy of Art and Design and has worked in Beijing Daily since 1966. Now he is a senior editor in Beijing Daily and director of Chinese Research Association of News and Caricatures etc.
古 干 1942年生于湖南長沙。1962年畢業于中央美術學院中專。歷任中國美術家協會會員、中國茶撣學會理事、中國現代書畫學會首任會長、世界書法家協會榮譽顧問。出版有《舞姿拾零》 《古干書法作品選集》 《古干書畫》等。
Gu Gan was born in Changsha of Hunan in 1942 and graduated from Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1962. As a member of China Artists Association, director of China Tea and Zen Society, the first president of China Modern Painting and Calligraphy Society and honorary advisor of World Calligraphers Association, he has published works including Collection of Dancer-Relating Pictures, Selected Calligraphic Works by Gu Gan, Gu Gan’s Paintings and Calligraphy, etc.
倪天煦 1930年生于河南開封。1963年畢業于中央工藝美術學院。歷任中國美術家協會會員、人民出版社美術副編審。其作品曾多次參展并獲獎。
Ni Tianxu was born in Kaifeng, Henan in 1930. He graduated from Central Academy of Art and Design. Ni was a member of China Artists Association, associate senior art editor of the People’s Publishing House. His works have been awarded widely.
寧成春 1942年生于河北景縣。1965年畢業于中央工藝美術學院裝飾繪畫系,書籍美術專業。歷任農村讀物出版社、人民出版社美術設計,生活 讀書 新知三聯書店美術編輯室主任。裝幀設計的圖書有《唯物辯證法大綱》、《紀念白求恩》、《白求恩在中國》等數百種。
Ning Chengchun was born in Jingxian, Hebei in 1942. He graduated from the Department of Decorative Painting of Central Academy of Art and Design. He was an art editor of Rural Reading Publishing House and the People’s Publishing House, director of Art Designing Department of SDX Joint Publishing Company. His binding works include Outline Of Materialist Dialectics, In Memory of Bethune, Bethune in China, etc.
陳若菊 1928年生于河北安新。1950年畢業于中央美術學院實用美術系。曾任中國青年出版社美術設計,中央美院實用美術系教員,中央工藝美院陶瓷美術系主任、教授。曾是第四套人民幣設計者之一。
Chen Ruoju was born in Anxin, Hebei in 1928. She graduated from the Department of Applied Art of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1950. Chen used to be an art designer of China Youth Press, teacher at the Department of Applied Art of Central Academy of Fine Arts, and professor and director of the Department of Ceramic Art of Central Academy of Fine Arts. He is one of the designers of the fourth series of RMB.
邱 堅 1956年生于北京。北京藝術學院教師。歷任中國美術家協會會員。其作品曾多次參展并獲獎。代表作有漆畫《風》 《無題》 《靜物》。
Born in Beijing in 1956, Qiu Jian now is a teacher of Beijing Academy of Fine Arts. He was a member of China Artists Association. Masterpieces are Wind, Untitled and Still Life.



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