圖錄號: 1288
估價RMB: 1,000,000-1,200,000
成交價RMB: 1,120,000(含傭金)
尺寸:625×398 cm
出版: 《伊斯蘭東方手織工藝地毯》,第2頁,圖版3,SH.SAMEYEH PTE LTD,新加坡,1993年。
Origin: Tabriz, North West Persia
Age: circa 1940?
Medium: Wool, Silk
Size : 625×398 cm
Illustrated: Islamic Art Hand Knotted Oriental Carpet, SH SAMEYEH PTE LTD, Singapore, 1993, p.2, pl.3.
RMB: 1,000,000-1,200,000
同時,這張地毯也體現了塔伯利茲特有的色彩特征和出色的空間設計。塔伯利茲,伊朗西北部阿塞拜疆省的首府,是波斯最早、最古老的地毯出產地,被譽為“波斯地毯之鄉”,同時也是享有盛譽的東方文化中心,幾個世紀以來,吸引著大批藝術家和手工藝人。尤其在19世紀末20世紀初期,塔伯利茲在波斯地毯編織史上占據了獨特地位,這里的編織者和設計師力主革新,從而對整個東方編織工藝產生了重要影響。從這張地毯絢麗的色彩、規整的裝飾手法、精細的打結工藝、優質的羊毛絲線可以得知,它無疑出自塔伯利茲著名的大師工坊。每一種元素都無比精密和優雅。畫面正中繪制了伊斯法罕的四十圓柱宮殿,四個角落是波斯王朝的標志性建筑,如伊朗最早列入世界遺產的古建筑群遺址——波斯波利斯,古波斯的政治文化中心——設拉子古城(Shiraz),伊拉克著名古城泰西封(Ctesiphon),以及伊朗科爾曼地區的拜姆古城堡遺跡(Bam Citadel)。編織者在暗綠色的區域織出了光彩壯麗的圖案,以豐富的色彩來表現錯綜纏繞的花卉與棕櫚葉,具有輝煌高貴的視覺體驗。
Tabriz, capital of the north western Iranian province of Azerbaijan, has for centuries enjoyed a great reputation as a centre of Oriental culture. The vicissitudes of its history, its development from a naturally favoured oasis at the foot of the volcano Sahand, to today's commercial centre, and descriptions of its artists and craftsmen could fill many volumes. Here the author can only glance at those historical milestones which provide a rough outline of its cultural contribution to the Oriental carpet. The green colouring and powerfully uncluttered decorative approach, combined with the fine quality of the knotting and excellence of materials, are all indicative of an attribution to the famous master-workshop. From which originated many of the greatest Tabriz works. This historic north, west Persia city of Tabriz occupies a very special place in history of the weaving revival in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Tabriz weavers and designers were at the forefront of this new movement and their work influenced weavers all over the East. The splendid example has a very characteristic Tabriz palette and a wonderfully spaced design, each element of which is drawn with extraordinary precision and grace. A lovely old Tabriz with particularly pleasing color is an excellent item to be placed in dining and living room with underlay. Especially this example ordered by Mohamed Reza Shah Pahlavi for his gift to his guests to Iran. The unrivalled virtuosity of the greatest weavers of Tabriz in representational designs depicting landscapes and figures is brilliantly illustrated in this delightful and finely knotted carpet. The central medallion is filled with a picture of the 'Forty Column Palace' in Isfahan. At the four corners are also famous landmarks of Iran like the 'Persepolis' in Shiraz. The dark emerald field is woven with brilliant technical execution and splendour of design and colour which will rarely be encountered. The exceptional range of colours employed in the expression of the impressively intricate Eslimi designs of flowers and palmettos contribute to a high quality of visual elegance. The fantastic triumvate borders of The Pahlavi crown and Iranian National symbols that further enhances the brilliance of the field.
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